Friday, November 23, 2012


I woke up in a cold sweat. The nightmare that seemed so real.. So real.. The death of the person that means the whole world to me is just not something to think of, but sadly my over imaginative mind fucks with me. I received a call telling me she was dead. I stole my mothers car without hesitation. I drove at a very fast speed passing the pole my friend crashed into only 2 years ago. My heart racing.. I had to see her.. I arrived at a scene with caution tape surrounding the limp less body that was my Brooke. I ran across the tape where cops tried stopping me. It was all so real.. My heart pounded, tears down my face. I was in shock.. The reality hit me that I have lost the only thing that made me feel truly alive.. I woke up and checked my phone. It was only a dream .. Or an omen? Fuck.

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